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Mobile Food Pantry (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Tuesday, February 18 | 4:15 PM | Grundy Center Community Center, 705 F Ave.

Volunteers park on the street near the Community Center or at GNB to leave parking lot open for Food Pantry participants.

This is a great activity for families, small groups, and all age levels to serve together.

Mom's Morning Out (CEDAR FALLS)

Wednesday, February 19 | 9:00 AM | Coffee House
A community of mothers that meets weekly to build friendships, promote spiritual growth, and encourage one another in parenting.

Mom's Morning Out - GC (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Wednesday, February 19 | 9:00 AM | Orchard Kids Rooms

Join our Facebook group HERE for updates on weather, location, etc.

A time and place for Mom's to hang out & chat while your kids play together.

Community Meal (CEDAR FALLS)

Wednesday, February 19 | 5:30 PM |

This Community Meal is rescheduled from February 12! Join us anytime from 5:30 - 6:15pm for a free meal & belonging in community! At 6:15pm, we will have Community Worship Night - with childcare for ages 5 & under. See you there!

Bring your family and eat with us! Everyone is welcome. 🎉

CHAOS in Grundy County (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Wednesday, February 19 | 6:15 PM | Grundy Campus, 1800 G Ave
NOTE: OCT 23 - there is NO CHAOS due to Regional Volleyball Game. CHAOS stands for Christ Has All Our Solutions and is a community group for 6th, 7th & 8th graders.

Community Worship Night (Rescheduled Date: February 19!) (ALL CAMPUSES)

Wednesday, February 19 | 6:15 PM | Community Center
**Now rescheduled for February 19** Following the Community Meal on Wednesday, February 19th, join us for Community Worship Night at the Cedar Falls Campus! This will be a space set apart for us to...

CHAOS in Waverly (WAVERLY)

Wednesday, February 19 | 6:30 PM | Worship Center

Please register to get communications! Meal is served at 6:15pm.

CHAOS stands for Christ Has All Our Solutions and is a community group for 6th-8th graders.

BIGhouse in Waverly (WAVERLY)

Wednesday, February 19 | 7:00 PM | Worship Center

Please register to receive communications! Meal served at 6:30pm.

BIGhouse is a mid-week ministry and community group for students in grades 9-12.

BIGhouse in Cedar Falls (CEDAR FALLS)

Wednesday, February 19 | 7:00 PM | Community Center
BIGhouse is a mid-week ministry event with worship, teaching, and family groups for high school students in the Cedar Valley and surrounding towns.

CHAOS in Cedar Falls (CEDAR FALLS)

Wednesday, February 19 | 7:00 PM | Nazareth Lutheran Church

Doors open at 6:45 pm.

CHAOS is a youth group for Jr. High students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades and is a cooperative effort between Nazareth Lutheran Church and Orchard Hill Church.

Friends First (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Wednesday, February 19 | 7:15 PM | Worship Center

NOTE: Oct 23 - NO FF due to Regional Volleyball game. Follow us on Facebook @friendsfirstgc and Instagram @friendsfirstgc

Friends First is a mid-week ministry event for high school students with teaching and small groups.

Route 55: Bible Studies (CEDAR FALLS)

Thursday, February 20 | 1:00 PM | Commons


Pastor Ed and Sally Baker will each lead us through a four-week Bible Study Series on Thursdays. PLEASE NOTE FEB 13 SESSION IS CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER.


Thursday, February 20 | 7:30 PM | Sanctuary
A college and young adult worship community that meets at Orchard Hill Church in Cedar Falls on Thursdays at 7:30 pm.

Weekend Marriage Retreat in Pella, Iowa (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Friday, February 21 | 4:00 PM | Pella, Iowa

This is an overnight event. Registration closes February 17 at 3:00 pm.

Developing Great Relationships is a biblically based ministry with a focus on Communication.


Saturday, February 22 | 5:15 AM | Wild Mountain/Mall of America

Cedar Falls Staff Leader: Brenna Homewood
Waverly Staff Leader: Ken DeCook
Grundy County Staff Leader: Danielle Schmidt

All Junior High students are invited to join us for this fun overnight trip to Minneapolis on February 22 & 23, 2025. (EVENT REGISTRATION IS CLOSED)

Get to Know: Orchard Hill Church (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Sunday, February 23 | 9:00 AM | Conference Room

This is a 2 week class - meeting Feb 16 & 23.

This is an opportunity to learn about Orchard Hill Church in a group setting where you can ask questions.

Lake View Summer Camp (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Sunday, February 23 | 9:00 AM | Lake View Summer Camp

Learn more at their website

Elementary, Middle, High School & Grandparent Camps.

Night of Prayer (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Sunday, February 23 | 5:30 PM | Lobby
All are invited to participate in a group night of prayer and a light meal.

Route 55: Women's Coffee Crew (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Wednesday, February 26 | 9:30 AM | Lobby

This group meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month.

Route 55 is a ministry for anyone age 55 [and better!]. All women are invited to coffee & conversation!

BASIC: Extreme Bingo (CEDAR FALLS)

Thursday, February 27 | 7:30 PM | Commons
After BASIC, all college & young adults are invited to Extreme Bingo! Cash prizes, popcorn, candy & pop!

Men's Breakfast (CEDAR FALLS)

Friday, February 28 | 6:30 AM | Commons

Our monthly Men’s Breakfast is the perfect opportunity to connect with other guys and have an awesome breakfast.

Men's Breakfast - GC (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Friday, February 28 | 6:30 AM | Lobby & Coffee House
Our monthly Men’s Breakfast is the perfect opportunity to connection with other guys and have an awesome breakfast.

Lenten Lunch - GC (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Wednesday, March 5 | 12:00 PM | Community Center, 705 F Ave, Grundy Center

Join us over the lunch hour for a meal & a message preparing our hearts for Easter.

Women's Breakfast (CEDAR FALLS)

Friday, March 7 | 6:30 AM | Commons
A space for women to meet monthly (first Friday of each month) to connect with God, scripture, and one another no matter their season of life.

Second Sunday Senior Socials (CEDAR FALLS)

Sunday, March 9 | 10:00 AM | Commons

All adults age "55 & Better" are invited!

Gathering between services on the Second Sunday of each month.

Waverly Mobile Food Pantry (WAVERLY)

Tuesday, March 11 | 4:30 PM | Waverly Civic Center, 200 1st St. NE

Volunteers needed to unload the food truck and organize food from 4:30-5:30pm. Distribution is 5:30-6:30pm.

This is a great opportunity for families, small groups, and all age levels to serve together.

Habitat for Humanity (ALL CAMPUSES)

Saturday, March 15 | 8:30 AM | Waterloo

No experience is required! Volunteers must be 18 years or older. Every 3rd Saturday of the month!

Orchard Hill Church is partnering with Habitat for Humanity to build houses, build community, build hope.

Sunday Worship Service Schedule: March 16 (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Sunday, March 16 | 10:00 AM | Worship Center

Nursery for 0-2 year old will be available.

We will have only one service at 10:00 AM with nursery available, but there will be no Orchard Kids for PreK-Elementary, as many of our volunteers will be away for Spring Break. Our regular two-ser...

Family Game Night: Beat the Parents (GRUNDY COUNTY)

Friday, April 4 | 5:30 PM | Lobby
All families are invited for a night of pizza, trivia & challenges! Hey Kids, can you Beat the Parents?!

Parent Baptism Class (ALL CAMPUSES)

Monday, April 21 | 6:30 PM | Online Via Google Meet
Our goal is to share what baptism is all about while giving you an opportunity to ask questions.


Saturday, July 26 | 9:00 AM | St. Louis, Missouri | $425.00

Registration Opens February 5th

**Registration Open** All students currently in grades 9-12 are welcome to join a week-long, high-adventure trip to St. Louis, Missouri.